Monday, March 21, 2005

And away we go...

Hello everyone,

Well, against the advice of some (who shall remain nameless!) and probably against my better judgement, I thought I would give this blogging thing a go. Actually, it seems lately that everybody who is anybody has caught on to the blogging craze and as per usual, I'm a little bit behind the times but I'm getting there in the end. Maybe it is just me but it seems that almost everyone that I have talked to as of late is blogging, has blogged in the past or is at least thinking of blogging at some time in the near future so...why not me? After all, I like to talk (no, really..!) and I think that I can be at least semi-witty at times so this might wind up being a great outlet for me.

Also, it is just a little like my journals (aka: diaries) of old where I could write down my most private thoughts for perusal at a later day. Although...I suppose that it isn't quite the same as my most private thoughts could potentially be viewed by, well, an untold number of people and I used to keep my journal between the mattress of my bed but...I digress. So right..not quite the same and not such a good idea to include my most private thoughts. Blogging Lesson Number One learned and duly recorded.

But seriously. Ever since one of my co-workers told me a couple weeks ago that she was creating a blog of her own, I have been somewhat fascinated with the concept. There have even been a few times when I have been driving along in my automobile and a thought has occurred to me that has caused me to think to myself..."That would be a very cool thing to write a blog about..". Okay, truthfully most of those thoughts have been generated by a song that I happen to be listening to at that particular moment that has unearthed an old memory somewhere in my mind but still...that has to be interesting to someone, right? And really, if not, at least it is interesting to me and that counts for something!

So that brings me to here. Hopefully you shall be seeing many more of my posts and I look forward to finally having a place to trap the various musings that seem to dance around in my head at any given time. I can't promise not to rant and rave as I'm wont to do both at times but hopefully it will be enlightening at best and entertaining at worst. Oh yeah..and I'll see what I can do about working on the semi-witty part.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Hello and welcome to blog-world, evil plan indeed when it is late their is work to be done and yet you cannot get started until you have read about everyones day!! good luck bloggering